Accountability & Communication
Apr 08, 2022
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By: Karyssa Shaw
It will make or break a trainer-client relationship!
There are many things that are expected when you are a personal training client. Aside from the typical goals of getting stronger or losing weight, every training client should expect to get regular communication and a trainer...
All Categories #accountability #advocate #age #allergens #allergies #amortization #anatomy #ans #anxiety #athlete #balance #belt #beyourowndoctor #blamingthemessenger #bloodflow #braking #breakfast #breath #breathing #bulk #burning #busymom #calories #cardio #cashpt #changes #cholesterol #clenching #client #climax #coaching #coldexposure #collagen #comfort #communication #continuingeducation #control #convenience #cope #deadlift #deceleration #decelerationtraining #depression #diet #dinner #directaccess #discipline #doctors #dpt #dysfunction #eatinghabits #employee #endurance #epidemic #exercise #exhale #fast #fasting #fastlane #fasttwitch #feet #fitness #flexibility #flipflop #food #foottourniquet #footwear #fuel #functional #functionalhealth #functionalmedicine #gains #gluten #gripstrength #grocerylist #habits #headaches #healing #health #healthbenefits #healthy #healthybody #healthyfeet #healthypelvis #hearthealthy #heartrate #heat #heeltotoe #hibernation #hiking #hips #homeostasis #hormesis #hormones #ice #illness #incontinence #inflammation #infrared #inhale #injury #injuryprevention #insurance #jobtitle #journey #kegels #knewyou #lifestyle #lifting #loadedcarry #loans #lowbackpain #lunch #masculinity #massage #mealplan #mealprep #medicine #menshealth #mentalhealth #mentorship #metrictracking #mindbodyconnection #mobility #moderation #modernmedicine #mom #move #movement #mri #musclefibers #natural #newyear #noexcuses #notaroadblock #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritoincoach #obesity #organize #overwhelming #pain #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloormuscles #pelvicfoor #pelvichealth #pelvicpain #pelvicrehab #performace #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #pleasure #posture #powerlifting #primal #proliferation #protein #pt #ptmodel #quality #readlabels #recovery #rehab #remodeling #research #resolutions #rest #running #salt #sauna #saunafitness #scar #scartissue #school #seedoils #selfawareness #selfcare #selfexperimentation #sexualhealth #silentkiller #sitting #sleep #slowtwitch #sociallife #sodium #softball #spine #sports #squats #strategies #strength #stress #stretch #student #success #sunlight #surgery #sweat #sweets #technique #tension #testosterone #therapy #thermotherapy #thinkdeeper #toxins #trainer #training #trainingisrehab #unfinishedbusiness #vacation #vitamind #weightlifting #weightliftingbelt #westernmedicine #wimhoff #womenshealth #working #wound #yoga adaptability ancestralliving basketball musclecontraction resiliency sports strong mind